Sunday, November 29, 2009


Well, not much new going on at The Homestead.  Still taking my time moving things.  I do now have the bed in the bedroom!

I purchased a chainsaw and have begun cutting all the down wood that is piled around the property.  That will be stacked and dried and used in the fireplace.

New replacement windows are coming.  Twenty in all, which replace the single pane windows in most of the house.  Only three larger windows not being replaced.

Raked some of the massive amount of leaves that fall on the property.  Someone has been taking the full bags that I set beside the road.  Oddly, enough someone came way up the driveway and took some that were beside the house!!

Researching raising some chickens.  I'd like to get some Barred Rocks because I love their coloring.  I'd like to find someone locally that has them.  I only want about 6 hens, that should be a manageable number.

I'm having a hard time finding course vermiculite.  I need at least 8 cubic feet for my first Square Foot Gardening box.  I have everything else.  Hopefully, in the Spring it will be more available.

One of the blogs I follow, A Sonoma Garden, has a recipe for making hand lotion.  I ordered the stuff I didn't have from Mountain Rose Herbs.

Well, I guess that's it for now.

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